Get Financing that Can Support Rapid Growth
With an asset-based loan from Sattori, small business owners can tap into cash currently invested in account receivables or inventory to support growth or turnaround objectives. You can borrow up to 75% of the value of your inventory and up to 85% of the value of your accounts receivable with our asset-based financing.
Designed to give you access to credit that matches your business cycle, an asset-based loan can be easily adjusted to match the ebbs and flows of your company’s assets. This makes asset-based financing one of the most flexible and customizable options to support seasonal businesses or rapid expansion.
Floating rates based on WSJ Prime
Up to $10M in loan commitments
Maturities from 1 to 10 years, with renewal provisions
Up to 85% of the value of A/R
Up to 75% of the value of inventory
Additional servicing fees commensurate w/business profile
Not only do asset-based loans free up cash flow, but they also typically have more flexible underwriting standards.
An asset-based loan gives you greater flexibility than other types of financing. Since the amount of funding is based on your trading assets, the funding can increase as the value of your assets grows. With an asset-based loan from Sattori, you can: